I am pretty new to R ,Zelig and Amelia.
Can somebody give simple instructions (unfortunately are missing from the ppt file) how from amelia you can combine the imputation files to zelig? for example I have a text file mis.txt 
From the R environment :
>misi<-read.table('C:\\Documents and Settings\\thomas\\Desktop\\mis.txt', header=T)
>output<-amelia(x=misi, empri=10,ords=c(3,4))
this gives me the error : "Error in amelia(x = misi, empri = 10, ords = c(3,4)) : unused argument(s) (x = list(Patient = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1 etc...
if I do
> output<-amelia(x, empri=10,ords=c(3,4)) then it produces imputations
However next at zelig
> z.out <- zelig(lm(IOP~ICP+CVP+CONCORDANCE), data = output$imputations) . I am getting the error "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "IOP" not found"

I just need simple instruction how from the file I would like to impute can finish up with output at zelig!
Thank you again
Thomas Spentzas