Dear Clarify users,


I have a question. Is there a way with CLARIFY to calculate the impact of a change in the LEVEL of an explanatory variable (X) on the LEVEL of the dependent variable(Y)?


With OLS, the way to do it is simply to make the following calculation:


Delta Y = b Delta X, where b is the unstandardized regression coefficient (Achen 1982).


With logistic regression, the above formula is inappropriate. Possible solutions are:


(1) To use weighted least-squares or generalized least-squares (Finkel, JoP, 1993: 8). In this case, the regression coefficient can be used directly to estimate the impact of a change in the LEVEL of X on the change in the LEVEL of Y.


(2) To use the (quite demanding) approach proposed by Denk and Finkel in the 1992 AJPS piece.


Could Clarify perform a similar estimation with logistic regressions?


Many thanks for your help,



Thomas Didier

McGill University