When I ran 'praccum' code to plot graph for 'asset_sp' which has a squared term (as2), I got this error message: "assqp1graph_g.new assqx,c(ss): class member function not found"
Could anybody help me sort out this problem?
I copied the command from Stata help which is as folllows:

probit coop asset_sp as2 metering md2 recipro02 pc_prtax02 pc_fedig02 pc_stig02 lg_dnst lg_dnst2 eos hetero govt_form hhincome msa il97_pc, robust

capture matrix drop mage

forvalues count = 2.36(1)4.09 {

local countsq = `count'*`count'

prvalue, x(asset_sp `count' as2 `countsq') rest(mean) brief

praccum, saving(mage) xis(`count')


praccum, using(mage) gen(assq)

graph assqp1 assqx,c(ss)

Manoj Shrestha