I am having difficulty graphing my results in Clarify.
I have tried various versions of code. What I what to do is first have on the xaxis are ideology scores going from -1 to 1.  I am doing a pooled logit with a large number of observations and I want to analyze vote choice based on ideology and region.
Here is my code. I tried various iterations of this and it keeps telling me "a is an invalid name"
estsimp logit vote core ideology1

generate plo = .

generate phi = .

generate xaxis = _n -2 in 1/2 (I alternatively tried putting the number of observations in here which is 69000).

setx core 1

local a = -1

while `a' <= 1 (I have also tried this with other numbers) { 

setx ideology1 'a'

simqi, prval(1) genpr(pi)

_pctile pi, p(2.5,97.5)

replace plo = r(r1) if xaxis==`a'

replace phi = r(r2) if xaxis==`a'

drop pi

local a = `a' - 1  (I have also tried this with +1)


Thank you for your assistance.